Monday, June 15, 2015

Tu Meke Thinkers Shared Writing

The day it snowed at MKK School

OMG! It is snowing at our school. We are all surprised, but my toes are feeling like icicles. It is amazing to see the snow drifting from the sky. Miss Cooper has never seen it snow before, nor has Chloe. Miss Cooper was acting like an excited little child.

The Ruahine and the Kaweka ranges were covered with a beautiful thick white sheet of snow. We saw this from our frosty classroom window.

We ran outside and screamed with happiness and shouted, “it’s snowing!” The snow is making everything shimmer like jewels, but the shimmering came to a sad end.

The flurries of snow stopped and the sun came out. Poof! The snow started to vanish. We were so lucky to have had such an experience we hope to see some more snow soon!

Quade comes for a visit

Shared Writing

Eddie shares his piano talent

Daily 5 in Room 3

  Word Work
           Listening to Reading 
Guided Reading
   Reading to Self

Saturday, March 14, 2015